Call for Papers – CRS Student Conference: “De-mystifying Forced Migration”

CRS 10th ANNUAL STUDENT CONFERENCE De-mystifying Forced Migration: Place, Temporariness and Access in an Era of (Im)Mobility New_CRSStudentConferenceCallforPapers2015 The conference will take place at York University on May 1st and 2nd. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Individuals, groups, or panels wishing … Continue reading

Call for Papers: Abstracts- Anthology- Mothers, Mothering, and Globalization- deadline March 31, 2015

CALL FOR PAPERS Demeter Press is seeking submissions for an edited collection entitled Mothers, Mothering, and Globalization Editors: Dorsía Smith Silva, Laila Malik, and Abigail Palko    Deadline for Abstracts: March 31, 2015  This anthology will examine the diverse and complex experiences of motherhood and mothering from … Continue reading

Call for Paper: From the Outside: Narratives from the Othered in the Academy- deadline March 15, 2015

Essay- Anthology- From the Outside: Narratives from the Othered in the Academy- deadline March 15, 2015 full name / name of organization: Santosh Khadka, Joanna C. Davis-McElligatt and Keith Dorwick contact email:,, and Call for Proposals From the Outside: Narratives … Continue reading

IACHR report released – disappearances of Aboriginal women and girls in British Columbia

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights issued a report on January 12, 2015 on its investigation into the murders and disappearances of Indigenous women and girls in British Columbia. The IACHR finds Canada is obligated under international human rights … Continue reading

Call for Paper: European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Athens, July 2- 4, 2015

Sub-theme 37: International Migration, Work and Organization Submission Deadline: Monday, January 12, 2015, 23:59:59 Central European Time (CET) Migration and work-based mobility has become more ubiquitous today than ever before (OECD, 2013). Migrants and their relationships to host societies … Continue reading