Date(s) - 12/01/2015 - 15/05/2015
12:00 am
08/09/2014 -005/05/2015
The Migration Matters (MM) initiative, launched in January 2014, aims to showcase research by York faculty members working on a variety of migration issues in different contexts from a wide range of disciplines. The initiative is hosted by the Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS) and supported by the office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation at York University. We are pleased to announce that selected papers from York faculty members participating in MM will be published in a special issue of Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, to be guest edited by Daphne Winland, Luann Good Gingrich and Julie Young.
Scope and focus of the Refuge special issue on Migration Matters
Refuge is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, bilingual (French-English) journal published by the CRS on a semi-annual basis. The journal’s open access, electronic format allows widespread dissemination of quality research to large numbers of people, including those who would not normally have access to subscription-based academic journals, such as policy makers, practitioners, scholars in the global south and people in situations of migration.
While Refuge is primarily focused on forced migration issues, its editorial team acknowledges the increasingly fluid nature of migration and the critiques of the forced versus voluntary binary in migration studies. In support of the broader MM mandate, for this special issue, we welcome contributions that span the “forced-voluntary” migration spectrum, including those that do not specifically focus on refugees.
Format and submissions process
Papers in either French or English are accepted. Submissions must adhere to the journal’s editorial policy and style, including a maximum word length of 7,500 and referencing as endnotes following Chicago style. All submissions will be peer reviewed and professionally copy-edited. Authors should submit papers using the journal’s on-line submissions system, specifying that they are intended for the Migration Matters special issue in the comments field. For author guidelines and
to submit a paper, please see:
The deadline for paper submissions is May 15th, 2015.
Contact information
For further information on the special issue, please contact Daphne Winland (, coordinator of Migration Matters.
For further information on Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, please contact Christina Clark-Kazak (, Editor-in-Chief, or Nausheen Quayyum (, Managing Editor.