Call for Papers: Abstracts- Anthology- Mothers, Mothering, and Globalization- deadline March 31, 2015


Demeter Press is seeking submissions for an edited collection entitled Mothers, Mothering, and Globalization

Editors: Dorsía Smith Silva, Laila Malik, and Abigail Palko   

Deadline for Abstracts: March 31, 2015

 This anthology will examine the diverse and complex experiences of motherhood and mothering from a broad interdisciplinary perspective.  We welcome submissions that explore how globalization influences the lives of mothers, especially in regard to cultural, political, historical, social, and economic factors.  Further, we encourage writings that represent the relationships between mothering and globalization in a myriad of ways: mothers and their children, extended motherhood, perspectives of single mothers, migrant and domestic care workers, and deferred mothering.  

The aim of this volume is to foster work on mothering that analyzes globalization through the lenses of feminist ideologies, literary criticism, and cultural, social, and economic analyses.  We hope to include a range of academic writing and some narrative essays.

Topics may include (but are not limited to):

Representations/images of mothers and globalization and (trans)national issues; globalization of motherhood; empowerment, globalization, and mothers; (trans)national mothers and capitalism; (trans)national mothers and activism; public policy and (trans)national mothers; legal responses to (trans)national mothers; LBGTQI (trans)national mothers and social justice issues; (trans)national mothers and sex work; suffering and survival of (trans)national mothers; creating and maintaining globalized family relationships; mothering and immigration and globalization policies; resistance of (trans)national mothers against cultural oppression; (trans)national mothers and politicians; transnationalism and adoption; race and (anti-) racism within the globalization con-text; theories of mothers who migrate; globalization of reproductive technologies and reproduction; the effects of globalization on mothering; communal support for (trans)national mothers; employment and (trans)national mothers; (trans)national mothers and the loss of identity; (trans)national mothers who build communities and networks; climate change and (trans)national mothers; mothering and cultural globalization; (trans)national mothers and language; pregnant (trans)national mothers and heath care; (trans)national mothers and economic inequality; (trans)national mothers and homelessness; (trans)national mothers and education; violence against migrant and (trans)national mothers; migrant and (trans)national mothers and mental health issues; (trans)national mothers and disabilities; mothering and class issues with globalization; caregiving and mother-hood in global movements; transnational movements; and online communities of (trans)national mothers

Submission Guidelines:

Abstracts/Proposal (250-400 words) with a 50-word

biography due: March 31, 2015

Acceptances made by: April 30, 2015

Accepted and completed papers (15-18 pages double-spaced with references in MLA format) due: October 1, 2015

Please send inquiries and abstracts to editors:

Dorsía Smith Silva, Laila Malik, and Abigail Palko

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