Call for Papers – CRS Student Conference: “De-mystifying Forced Migration”

The Centre for Refugee Studies


De-mystifying Forced Migration: Place, Temporariness and Access in an Era of (Im)Mobility


The conference will take place at York University on May 1st and 2nd.

Individuals, groups, or panels wishing to participate in the conference MUST submit a 250-word abstract to by February 27th, 2015 (both for Canadian and international submissions).

Submissions will be assessed and responded to on a rolling basis and as such it is recommended that international applicants submit their proposal(s) as soon as possible.

Abstract submissions MUST be accompanied by the following:
1. Name(s) of presenter(s)
2. Key presenter email address
3. Title of Abstract
4. A short personal profile (no more than 150 words)
5. Indication of whether the presentation will be made by a panel or an individual
6. Indication of the type of audio-visual aides needed (i.e. projector, laptop, DVD player etc.)

For more information about presenting at the conference please contact
For more information about registering for the conference and event details, please refer to our website


The Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS) Student Caucus is pleased to announce our 10th Annual Student Conference will take place on May 1-2, 2015 at York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

This event offers graduate and upper year undergraduate students from various disciplines, as well as researchers and practitioners with a keen interest in migration and refugee issues, an opportunity to present and discuss research and other works with like-minded individuals in a collegial, supportive, and inclusive setting.

We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
▪ Critical approaches to methodology (narrative, performance, visual art, video, poetry, autoethnography, or ethnography)

▪ Development induced displacement
▪ Embodiment, agency and the experience of displacement (narratives and counter-narratives)
▪ Minority issues within refugee groups (LGBTQ, women, youths, elderly, disabled)
▪ Spaces of asylum and the separations between ‘here’ and ‘there’
▪ Experiences and expressions of resistance and response within forced migrant communities
▪ Post-conflict landscapes of camp and home (response, return, and reconstruction)
▪ Environmental change and other roles of the physical landscape in displacement
▪ Historical displacement and its legacy
▪ Linkages between research and policy (including interdisciplinary policy lessons from around the world)
▪ The plural legal landscapes of forced migration
▪ The changing field of forced migration studies (both practical and theoretical)
▪ Methodological and ethical issues of research with refugees and displaced persons
▪ Artistic and literary representations of forced migration

Submissions that fall under the category of visual, audio, and performing arts are also welcome. All acceptable art submissions will be exhibited at the conference location. Group/panel submissions are also invited.

visit  New_CRSStudentConferenceCallforPapers2015 for more details.



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