These videos were recorded at the Migration Matters Panel on Tuesday, November 25, 2014.
David Murray (Professor, Department of Anthropology)
Dagmar Soennecken (Associate Professor, School of Public Policy & Administration & Department of Social Science)
Emily Chan (Staff Lawyer | Community Development, Justice for Children and Youth)
David Murray
New archives, old tropes? Caribbean sexualities in the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board’s National Documentation Packages and Expert Statements
Dagmar Soennecken
Comparative insights & trends: How does Canada fare?
Emily Chan
The recent court challenge to the federal government’s withdrawal of health benefits to refugee claimants
Bios of the Presenters:
David Murray
Drawing on theoretical interests in culture, nationalism, colonialism, representation, performance and sexuality, Professor Murray has conducted fieldwork in the Caribbean, New Zealand and Canada that examines the processes and politics of identity making projects and their relations to local, national and transnational political and economic forces. He is the author of numerous articles, a book investigating the production of cultural identity in relation to gender, sexuality and race in Martinique (“Opacity: Gender, Sexuality, Race and the Problem of Identity in Martinique”, Peter Lang 2002), an edited volume examining the production of homophobia in different socio-political contexts (“Homophobias: Lust and Loathing Across Time and Space”, Duke University Press, 2009), and most recently, a book exploring social attitudes towards homosexuality and the lives of queer men in Barbados (“Flaming Souls: Homosexuality, Homophobia and Social Change in Barbados”, University of Toronto Press, 2012). A new project examines the experiences of ‘queer refugees’ with the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board and Canadian queer urban communities.
Dagmar Soennecken
Dagmar Soennecken is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy and the Department of Social Science (Law & Society Program) at York University. Among her most recent publications are: “Germany and the Janus Face of Immigration Federalism: Devolution vs. Centralization,” in S. Baglay, D. Nakache, Immigration Regulation in Federal States: Challenges and Responses in Comparative Perspective (New York/Heidelberg, Springer, 2014) and “The Managerialization of Refugee Determinations in Canada,” Droit et Societé. No. 84 (2013/2), 297-311. She has twice been a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for European and International Aliens and Asylum Law at the University of Konstanz, Germany, and in 2006/7, was a Visiting Study Fellow at the University of Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre (RSC). In the summer of 2013, she held the Canadian Guest Professorship at the University of Kiel, Germany, where she gave a public lecture on the “Europeanization of Canada’s refugee policy.” In December 2014, she will be giving a public lecture entitled “Citizenship in Retreat: Canada, “Crimmigration” and the War on Terror,” sponsored by the Institute for Migration and Inter-cultural Studies at the University of Osnabrück, Germany.
Emily Chan
Emily Chan, Hons. B.A., LL.B. – Staff Lawyer | Community Development
Emily joined Justice for Children and Youth in 2003 as the Community Development Lawyer; and was formerly the Street Youth Legal Services Lawyer. In addition to casework, she participates in a variety of community initiatives, facilitates legal education workshops in schools and other settings for youth and front-line staff who work with youth; and served as a board member of the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children. Emily graduated from Queen’s Law School, articled at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice as the dedicated Divisional Court law clerk, and was called to the Bar in Ontario in 2002. Prior to her work with JFCY, she worked at a small litigation law firm primarily practising in the areas of mental health law and civil litigation.
Emily was also counsel for both JFCY and the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children at the SCC, as intervenors on Khadr 2010.