
Resources @ York

Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER)

The Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER) project seeks to provide higher education to refugees in Dadaab, Kenya and along the Thai-Burma border. Using “portable”, online, and multi-format modes of study, BHER aims to deliver internationally recognized degrees, diplomas and certificates through mobilizing the institutional support of our partners in collaboration with the local community.

 Greek Canadian History Project

The Greek Canadian History Project (GCHP) is an initiative designed and committed to identifying, acquiring, digitizing, preserving, and providing access to primary source materials that reflect the experiences of Canada’s Greek immigrants and their descendants.

Refugee Research Network (RRN)

The RRN seeks to generate and mobilize knowledge among scholars, practitioners and policy makers to benefit people who have been forcibly displaced.

Liberating temporariness? Migration, work, and citizenship in an age of precarity (Edited by L. Vosko, V. Preston, & R. Latham, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014)

Memory and migration: Multidisciplinary approaches to memory studies (Edited by J. Creet and A. Kitzmann, University of Toronto Press, 2014)


Centre for Feminist Research (CFR)

Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS)

Centre for Research on Language Contact

Centre for Research on Latin America & the Caribbean (CERLAC)

 CERIS – The Ontario Metropolis Centre

Global Labour Research Centre

The Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on Africa and its Diasporas

Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime and Security

York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR)

York Consortium on International and Security Studies (YCISS)