
Othon Alexandrakis

Following his doctoral studies at Rice University, Dr. Alexandrakis joined the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies at Princeton University as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2010-2011). He joined the anthropology faculty at York in 2012. Dr. Alexandrakis’ forthcoming monograph is entitled “Crisis Ordinary: Hellenic Topographies of a Coming Politics” and focuses on precarity and political emergence in Athens, Greece.

Modesto Amegago

Modsto AmegagoModesto Amegago was born in an artistic family at Anloga in the Volta Region of Ghana. He started performing music and dance from a very early age and had performed and taught music and dance extensively in many communities and institutions of Ghana. He graduated from School of Performing Arts, University of Ghana, where, he served as a Research and Teaching Assistant from 1988-1991. Professor Amegago holds a Master of Fine Arts and a Ph. D. from Simon Fraser University. Burnaby. B.C. He is currently teaching graduate and under graduate courses at York University, Department of Dance. His areas of research include the historical and cultural context of African music and dance, creative and performances processes, aesthetics and arts education, African and African Diaspora festivals, the development of Chieftaincy in Ghana and the Relevance of Chiefs to Contemporary African Politics and some aspects of African religion and philosophy. Professor Amegago has authored many articles, and two books: “An African Music and Dance Curriculum Model: Performing Arts in Education” and “African Drumming: The History and Continuity of African Drumming Tradition.”

Deborah Barndt

Deborah Barndt has struggled for four decades to integrate her artist, activist and academic selves. A professor in the Faculty of Environmental Studies since 1993, she founded and coordinate the Community Arts Practice (CAP) certificate. For over a decade she coordinated the Tomasita Project, collaborative transnational research on the journey of the corporate tomato from a Mexican agribusiness to a Canadian fast food restaurant, focusing on women workers and migrant workers, and using photography, video, theatre, and cartoons as research tools. As a photographer, she has exhibited widely, and has published ten books, including Tangled Routes: Women, Work and Globalization on the Tomato Trail as well as edited volumes Women Working the NAFTA Food Chain,, VIVA! Community Arts and Popular Education in the Americas, and Wild Fire: Art as Activism.

Emily Chan

(20141125 - EmilyChan.mp4)[]Emily Chan, Hons. B.A., LL.B. – Staff Lawyer | Community Development

Emily joined Justice for Children and Youth in 2003 as the Community Development Lawyer; and was formerly the Street Youth Legal Services Lawyer. In addition to casework, she participates in a variety of community initiatives, facilitates legal education workshops in schools and other settings for youth and front-line staff who work with youth; and served as a board member of the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children. Emily graduated from Queen’s Law School, articled at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice as the dedicated Divisional Court law clerk, and was called to the Bar in Ontario in 2002. Prior to her work with JFCY, she worked at a small litigation law firm primarily practising in the areas of mental health law and civil litigation.

Emily was also counsel for both JFCY and the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children at the SCC, as intervenors on Khadr 2010.

Andrew Crane


Andrew Crane is the George R. Gardiner Professor of Business Ethics and Director of the Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business at the Schulich School of Business. He is the co-author or editor of eleven books, including an award-winning textbook, Business Ethics, and the Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility. His latest book, published in 2013, is Social Partnerships and Responsible Business: A Research Handbook. Andrew has published widely on business ethics and corporate social responsibility in the management literature. His main research interests in the area of migration are related to the phenomenon of modern slavery, specifically on understanding the business of modern slavery. His research explores the social and economic conditions that give rise to slavery practices in contemporary business, and the mechanisms by which firms manage to successfully deploy and profit from slavery. In 2013 he was part of an inter-disciplinary team that published a unique report, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, on the business models of forced labour.  His most recent publications include Forced Labour’s Business Models and Supply Chains and Modern Slavery as a Management Practice: Exploring the Conditions and Capabilities for Human Exploitation.

 Lily Cho

Lily Cho’s research focuses on diasporic subjectivity within the fields of cultural studies, postcolonial literature and theory, and Asian North American and Canadian literature. She has recently co-edited Human Rights and the Arts: Perspectives on Global Asia with Susan Henders (York, Political Science). This book rethinks the contexts and subjects of human rights by taking its lead from writers, artists, filmmakers, and dramatists in Asia and the Asian diaspora. Her book, Eating Chinese: Culture on the Menu in Small Town Canada, examines the relationship between Chinese restaurants and Canadian culture. She is currently conducting research on a set of Chinese Canadian head tax certificates known as “C.I. 9’s.” These certificates mark one of the first uses of identification photography in Canada. Drawing from this archive, Lily’s research explores the relationship between citizenship, photography, and anticipation as a mode of agency. She is a member of the Toronto Photography Seminar and co-editor, with Jody Berland, of TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies.

Julia Creet


Julia Creet is an Associate Professor of English (with three degrees in history). She teaches memory studies, literary nonfiction and Queer Theory (in a former life). She is the co-editor (with Andreas Kitzmann) of Memory and Migration—multidisciplinary approaches to memory studies (University of Toronto Press 2011), and co-editor (with Sara Horowitz and Amira Dan) of H.G. Adler: Life, Literature, Legacy (Forthcoming. Northwestern UP, 2015).   She is also the producer and director of a documentary, “MUM,” (2008) about the memoirs of a holocaust survivor who tried to forget. A book of documentary fiction based on the same material, “The Unread Novel” to be completed during as the Tziphor Fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2014.   She is also the director and producer of “Need to Know: Ancestry and the Business of Family” (2015) a feature-length documentary about the industry behind the “innate” need to know one’s past.  Her essays have been published in Toronto Life, Exile, Argus, differences, European Studies, Applied Semiotics and Paradoxa, translated into Hungarian and Polish, and commissioned for edited collections in Canada, the US, Sweden, the Netherlands and Israel. With Sara Horowitz and Amira Dan, Julia Creet is an editor of the forthcoming collection of essays on the German-Jewish writer H.G. Adler. Also in the works is “A Genealogy of Genealogy,” a look at the industry behind the “innate” need to know one’s past, along with a documentary on the same topic called “Data Mining the Deceased: Ancestry and the Business of Family.”

Eve Encalada

Evelyn Encalada

Evelyn Encalada

Evelyn Encalada Grez is an adjunct university professor, transnational community organizer and labour researcher. She teaches in Work and Labour Studies at York University and also online for the University of British Columbia. For over thirteen years she has been working with Mexican migrant farmworkers in rural Canada and with their families throughout rural Mexico. She founded the award winning collective, Justicia/Justice for Migrant Workers (J4MW) that is at the forefront of the migrant rights movement in the country. She worked with Min Sook Lee behind and in front of the cameras on the first documentary about migrant farmworkers called “El Contrato”. And right now they are both collaborating on a new documentary titled “Migrant Dreams” about the lives of migrant women in the most precarious of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Programs.   Evelyn has shared her knowledge as activist scholar for migrant justice in various venues, including at the United Nations in New York and Parliament Hill.

She is currently finishing her doctoral dissertation about the lives of Mexican migrant farmworker women and their non-migrating kin for a PhD in Sociology and Equity Studies at OISE of the University of Toronto. Her work with Doctor Kerry Preibisch has been published in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society and recently Citizenship Studies published their article titled “Between hearts and pockets: locating the outcomes of transnational homemaking practices among Mexican women in Canada’s temporary migration programmes.” Evelyn brings her life experiences of displacement and emigration from Chile to all of her work along with a deep sense of spirituality and respect for the sacred and ancestral.



Secil Erdogan-Ertorer

Secil ESecil is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology at York University. She received her PhD in Sociology with a specialization in Migration and Ethnic Relations from The University of Western Ontario. Secil’s research interests are in the areas of refugee studies, race and ethnicity, migration, inequality, integration, and identity. She has conducted research with refugees from Turkey and from Burma. As a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Research on Migration and Ethnic Relations at The University of Western Ontario, Secil was involved in a research project on intercultural skills. Her current project looks at immigrant experiences at the workplace.

Fay Faraday

Law and the Construction of Migrant Workers Insecurity

FaradayFay Faraday is a lawyer with an independent social justice practice in Toronto.  She represents unions, community organizations and coalitions in constitutional litigation, human rights and labour.  She has represented clients in constitutional litigation at all levels of court, including numerous cases at the Supreme Court of Canada.  She also works collaboratively with community organizations and coalitions on strategic and policy advice.  Fay holds an Innovation Fellowship with the Metcalf Foundation where she is engaged in legal and community-based research addressing the rights of migrant workers.  Her report Made in Canada: How the Law Constructs Migrant Workers’ Insecurity was published in September 2012.  Fay is also a Visiting Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School.  Beginning in July 2014, Fay will be the Visiting Packer Chair in Social Justice at York University.

Luin Goldring

GoldringLuin Goldring is an Associate Professor of Sociology at York University.  She is involved in collaborative research on immigrants and precarious work, poverty and employment precarity, and institutional negotiations of status in school settings.  Recent publications address the intersections of precarious legal status and precarious work, the institutional production of precarious migratory status, Latin American community organizing in Toronto, and methodological challenges in transnational studies.  She is the co-editor, with Patricia Landolt, of Producing and Negotiating Non-Citizen Precarious Legal Status in Canada (University of Toronto Press).

Luann Good Gingrich
Luann Good Gingrich is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work and Coordinator of the Migration Matters initiative at York University. Her research focuses on social exclusion/inclusion at the nexus of transnational migration, labour markets, social policy, and human services. She studies the dynamics of social exclusion for groups made differently marginal (including immigrants and refugees, low-value workers in Canada’s temporary visa programs, women migrating alone in Central America, and ethno-culturally distinct populations) toward informed policies and practices of social inclusion. Integrating theory development and empirical research, her work pays special attention to the function of extraordinarily uneven global systems in the ordinary and everyday realities of making a life “on the move”.

Good Gingrich is a member of Transnational Social Support, an international research network, and is on the editorial board for the international journals Transnational Social Review: A Social Work Journal and the International Journal of Migration and Border Studies.

Aitana Guia

GuiaAitana Guia is Sessional Assistant Professor in Modern European History. Her research focuses in the social and political history of the modern migrant experience in Europe.

Her forthcoming monograph The Muslim Struggle for Civil Rights in Spain: Promoting Democracy through Migrant Engagement, 1985-2010(Sussex Academic Press, 2014) examines Muslim immigrants’ struggle for civil rights and belonging in Spain after the collapse of Franco’s dictatorship in 1975. It argues that through advocating for religious pluralism, for rights as non-status residents, and for a broader appreciation of history, identity, and culture, immigrants have strengthened liberal democracy in Spain and Europe. By framing Muslim migration history within the context of the third wave of democratization in Southern Europe rather than as a migrant community case study, her research explores the agency of Muslim migrants in developing practices of horizontal citizenship and in deepening democracy. Her next project explores nativism discourse, religious pluralism, and reasonable accommodation in postwar Southern Europe.

Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston

Magdalena Kazubowski-HoustonMagdalena Kazubowski-Houston is Assistant Professor of Theatre at York University in Toronto and a founding director of the Centre for Imaginative Ethnography. Her research interests include migration, race/ethnicity, imaginative and performance ethnography, ethnographic storytelling, political/activist theatre, the Roma people, socialism/postsocialism, ageing, violence and terrorism. She has developed performance ethnography projects with Roma minorities in Poland, Nazi-Holocaust survivors in Poland and Canada, and low-income residents in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Her articles have appeared in Text and Performance Quarterly, Anthropologica, Canadian Theatre Review, and Social Science & Medicine. Her book, Staging Strife (2010), is co-winner of the 2011 International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Outstanding Qualitative Book Award and the Canadian Association for Theatre Research Ann Saddlemyer Book Prize.

Philip Kelly

pfkellyPhilip Kelly is Professor of Geography at York University and Director of the York Centre for Asian ResearchHis research examines the consequences of migration and transnationalism for labour markets, workplaces, and class mobility, with a particular focus on the Filipino community in Toronto and sending areas in the Philippines.  He is currently principal investigator of the Filipino Youth Transitions in Canada project and  was previously director of the Toronto Immigrant Employment Data Initiative.

His recent publications include Economic Geography: A Contemporary Introduction (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013; with Neil Coe and Henry Yeung) and Migration and Rural Change in Southeast Asia (Routledge 2013).

Kamala Kempadoo

Kamala-KempadooKamala Kempadoo is Professor in the Department of Social Science, affiliated with Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Development Studies. She is a former director of the Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought. She considers herself a transnational feminist, having lived and worked in Britain, the Netherlands, the USA, several countries in the Dutch- and English-speaking Caribbean, and, since 2002, in Canada. Kamala teaches courses in Caribbean studies, transnational feminisms, sex work studies and Black Studies. Her publications include Global Sex Workers (1998); Sun, Sex and Gold: Tourism and Sex Work in the Caribbean (1999); Sexing the Caribbean (2004), Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered (2005/12) and an issue of the Caribbean Review of Gender Studies on feminist methodologies. She is currently coordinating an exchange between York University and the universities of Guyana and Suriname around gender studies and research.

Aurelia Klimkiewicz

KlimkiewiczAssociate Professor, Translation & Interpretation, Glendon

The self and exile: the interplay between displacement and cultural memory

Aurelia Klimkiewicz teaches at the School of Translation at Glendon College. Her research interests include theory of translation, the hermeneutics of the multilingual self, the ethics of translation, and the aesthetics of exile. Her current work focuses on translation in the multilingual context, more specifically on the identity and mobility of the translator. She has authored numerous articles and book chapters on translation theory, migrant identity, self-translation, and translation of francophone minority literature into Polish.

Sailaja Krishnamurti

KrishnamurtiSailaja Krishnamurti is a Sessional Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities at York University. Her research explores representations and experiences of race, religion, gender, and migration in the South Asian diaspora and in global popular culture. She completed her PhD in Social and Political Thought at York University, and taught previously at the University of Toronto Mississauga. She is the author of several recent and forthcoming articles and book chapters, and is the co-editor of a collection of essays, Organizing the Transnational: Labour, Politics, and Social Change. Sailaja has worked with the GTA’s South Asian communities on a number of social justice issues.

Robert Latham

Robert Latham is director of the Centre for International and Security Studies, and associate professor of Political Science, at York University in Toronto. Previously, he managed programs and conducted research in international affairs at the Social Science Research Council in New York where he directed the program on Information Technology and International Cooperation. He also taught at Columbia University.

Latham is the author of numerous articles and books. He recently published “The Governance of Visibility: Bodies, Information, and the Politics of Anonymity across the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands” in the journal Alternatives: Global, Local, Political. He is also part of an effort to found a new research program, Critical Scholarship and Social Transformation.

Willem Maas 

MaasWillem Maas (PhD Yale) is Jean Monnet Chair and Associate Professor in Political Science, Social & Political Thought, Socio-Legal Studies, and the Glendon School of Public & International Affairs, teaching comparative and European politics, citizenship, and migration. His book Creating European Citizens argues that European integration involves not only economic cooperation but also a political project of transcending borders and building a European community of people. Multilevel Citizenship (ed 2013) disputes the dominant narrative of citizenship as a homogeneous status bestowed only by nation-states; it considers overlapping jurisdictions, sub- or supranational citizenships, and shared governance. Democratic Citizenship and the Free Movement of People (ed 2013) challenges the normal way of thinking about free movement by identifying the tensions between the formal ideals that governments, laws, and constitutions expound and actual practices. Professor Maas is founding co-president of the Migration and Citizenship section of the American Political Science Association and will be awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship for a two-year project on the future of European citizenship in comparative perspective.

Audrey Macklin

Audrey Macklin is a professor at the Faculty of Law. She holds law degrees from Yale and Toronto, and a bachelor of science degree from Alberta. After graduating from Toronto, she served as law clerk to Mme Justice Bertha Wilson at the Supreme Court of Canada. She was appointed to the faculty of Dalhousie Law School in 1991, promoted to Associate Professor 1998, moved to the University of Toronto in 2000, and became a full professor in 2009. While teaching at Dalhousie, she also served as a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board.

Professor Macklin’s teaching areas include criminal law, administrative law, and immigration and refugee law. Her research and writing interests include transnational migration, citizenship, forced migration, feminist and cultural analysis, and human rights. She has published on these subjects in journals such as Refuge and Canadian Woman Studies, and in collections of essays such as The Security of Freedom: Essays on Canada’s Anti-Terrorism Bill and Engendering Forced Migration.

Prof. Macklin has been active in the Omar Khadr case. See the Omar Khadr case resources page.

Guida Man

ManGuida Man is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology, York University. She is a faculty associate at the Centre for Feminist Research (CFR), York Centre for Asian Studies (YCAR), and the Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS). Her research intersects immigration and transnationalism, immigrant families and communities, and women and work in the context of globalization and economic restructuring, and with a gender, race, and class analysis. Currently, she is the principal investigator of a SSHRC funded research on “Transnational Migration Trajectories of Immigrant Women Professionals in Canada: Strategies of Work and Family”. She has published extensively in her areas of specialization. Her co-edited volume with R. Cohen entitled Transnational VoicesGlobal Migration and the Experiences of Women, Youth and Children by Wilfrid Laurier University Press will be forthcoming.

Nancy Mandell 

MandellNancy Mandell is a Professor in the Department of Sociology, York University. She is a faculty associate at the Centre for Feminist Research (CFR) and the Centre for Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS). Her research and teaching interests include gender, aging, qualitative methods, schooling and family. Recently she has published on life course analysis of midlife Canadian women, senior immigrants and transnational family patterns, gendered and racialized forms of carework and academic-community research partnerships. She is completing a SSHRC grant entitled ‘Worked to Death,’ which examines patterns of economic security among aging immigrant families.

David Murray

DavidMurray-corDrawing on theoretical interests in culture, nationalism, colonialism, representation, performance and sexuality, Professor Murray has conducted fieldwork in the Caribbean, New Zealand and Canada that examines the processes and politics of identity making projects and their relations to local, national and transnational political and economic forces. He is the author of numerous articles, a book investigating the production of cultural identity in relation to gender, sexuality and race in Martinique (“Opacity: Gender, Sexuality, Race and the Problem of Identity in Martinique”, Peter Lang 2002), an edited volume examining the production of homophobia in different socio-political contexts (“Homophobias: Lust and Loathing Across Time and Space”, Duke University Press, 2009), and most recently, a book exploring social attitudes towards homosexuality and the lives of queer men in Barbados (“Flaming Souls: Homosexuality, Homophobia and Social Change in Barbados”, University of Toronto Press, 2012). A new project examines the experiences of ‘queer refugees’ with the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board and Canadian queer urban communities.

Michael Nijhawan

Nijhawan website

Michael who received his DPhil in Anthropology from the University of Heidelberg joined York’s Sociology department in 2006. His research and teaching expertise can be defined as multidisciplinary. His contributions range from Anthropology and Sociology to Religious Studies and South Asian Studies. He has a vested research interest in the relationship between experiences of social and political violence and suffering and their reconfiguration in the realm of cultural articulations. More recently he has worked in the area of religion and secularism and migration and diaspora studies. His forthcoming co-edited volume Suffering, Arts, and Aesthetics (Palgrave MacMillan 2014, with Ratiba Hadj-Moussa) represents his specific interest in social suffering and the arts. He is also currently completing a book manuscript on a related topic that problematizes the formation of diasporas from a perspective of everyday social relations, memory, and political discourses in the articulation and representation of diasporas. His new work is titled Heretic Subjects: Violence, Memory, and Youth in Sikh and Ahmadiyya Diasporas (under review) and is scheduled to appear in late 2014. He is the author of a number of refereed and non refereed articles as well as book chapters, in both English and German and has recently (December 2013) also guest-edited a volume for the Routledge journal Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory which focuses on “Violence, Memory, and Transnational Youth Formations”. Michael is also the co-producer of the documentary Musafer-Sikhi is Travelling.

Roberto Perin

Professor, Department of History, Glendon

PerinReligion as a focus of immigrant assimilation/adaptation in interwar Toronto

Roberto Perin obtained his doctorate from the University of Ottawa and is currently a Full Professor in the History Department, Glendon College. His research involves questions of religion, immigration, and identity. He has just submitted a manuscript to University of Toronto Press tentatively titled The Many Rooms of This House: Diversity and Places of Worship in Toronto Since 1840.

Anna Pratt

Anna Pratt’s current research is a major study of the recently introduced Canada-U.S. Integrated Cross Border Law Enforcement Program known as ‘Shiprider’. She is the author of “Securing Borders: Detention and Deportation in Canada” (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005). She has carried out a major study of the culture and organization of frontline border control in Canada and has published findings on law and discretion, the crime-security nexus, racial profiling and risk. Anna has also examined bordering technologies that mobilize vigilant citizens and communities within Canada, such as the CBSA Most Wanted List as well as the operations of discretion and jurisdiction in the deportation of long term permanent residents from Canada. Anna teaches Criminology in the Department of Social Science at York University.

Maya Shapiro

mayaMaya Shapiro completed her doctorate in the Department of Anthropology at York University. She has researched and published on the access to prenatal healthcare, anti-deportation activism and everyday affective engagements of undocumented women from the Global South who were living and working in Tel Aviv, Israel between 2009 and 2012. Over the course of her academic career, Maya has worked outside the university as a counsellor and reproductive health educator at an abortion clinic, as a Spanish-language interpreter in a food security program, and as an administrator at a health clinic for undocumented migrants. She has also participated in activist and advocacy collectives as an organizer, researcher and translator with Seasonal Agricultural Workers and Live-in Caregivers in Ontario and British Colombia, and with undocumented migrants and asylum seekers in Toronto and Tel Aviv.

A teacher at heart, Maya’s experience in front of the classroom includes working on a university study abroad program in the United States, India, Argentina and South Africa, and building and directing courses at home, in Canada. Maya’s current teaching and research interests include illegalized migration, citizenship and the nation-state, domestic work, the politics of pregnancy, abortion and birth, reproductive tourism and global health.

Dagmar Soennecken

Dagmar Soennecken is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy and the Department of Social Science (Law & Society Program) at York University. Among her most recent publications are: “Germany and the Janus Face of Immigration Federalism: Devolution vs. Centralization,” in S. Baglay, D. Nakache, Immigration Regulation in Federal States: Challenges and Responses in Comparative Perspective ( New York/Heidelberg, Springer, 2014) and “The Managerialization of Refugee Determinations in Canada,” Droit et Societé. No. 84 (2013/2), 297-311. She has twice been a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for European and International Aliens and Asylum Law at the University of Konstanz, Germany and in 2006/7, was a Visiting Study Fellow at the University of Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre (RSC). In the summer of 2013, she held the Canadian Guest Professorship at the University of Kiel, Germany, where she gave a public lecture on the “Europeanization of Canada’s refugee policy.” In December 2014, she will be giving a public lecture entitled “Citizenship in Retreat: Canada, “Crimmigration” and the War on Terror,” sponsored by the IMIS (Institute for Migration and Inter-cultural Studies) at the University of Osnabrück (Germany).

Antonio Sorge

Antonio’s research program unites an interest in the state/society nexus with a focus on the consequences of globalization on local peoples, now and in the past. He has worked on themes ranging from violence in society, state formation, social memory, the construction of locality, and, more recently, on conceptions of citizenship, belonging, and social exclusion in the twenty first century. A regional specialist in southern Europe and the Mediterranean, his interest in history centres on perceptions of the past and how they inform social action in the present. This latter concern has influenced his research and writing on Sardinia, where he has conducted research since 2002, and yielded a monograph titled Legacies of Violence: History, Society, and the State in Sardinia (University of Toronto Press, 2015). More recently, Antonio has conducted research on Sicily examining the mechanisms by which refugees and migrants are integrated within their host communities. Ongoing research on Lampedusa is allowing him to examine how a tiny island community responds to the arrival of undocumented migrants to its shores, offering insights into the discordant dynamics of hospitality and xenophobia at the local level.

Roopa Desai Trilokekar

TrilokerRoopa’s professional career has been focused on international education. She  first became interested in these issues as an international student returning to her home country and was subsequently exposed to the formal profession through her work with the Fulbright Commission in India where she facilitated academic exchanges between Indian and US academics and students. In Canada, she has worked mainly at the institutional policy level in internationalizing curriculum and student learning experiences. Her attempts to bridge the gap between research, policy and practice in the field, led to the publication of national conference proceedings, with two esteemed colleagues, Dr. Glen Jones and Dr. Adrian Shubert, titled:Canada’s Universities Go Global (2009). The two specific areas of her current research interest include government policy in international education and a critical understanding of the study abroad student experience. Questions that concern her include: how national characteristics influence the nature of higher education policy making, especially in highly decentralized federalisms such as Canada.

Leah Vosko


Leah F. Vosko is Professor of Political Science and Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in the Political Economy of Gender & Work at York University where she teaches courses on public policy, women and politics, and labour and employment and conducts research on labour market insecurity in Canada in international context. She is the author and editor of numerous scholarly books, volumes and articles.

Her latest book, Managing the Margins: Gender, Citizenship and the International Regulation of Precarious Employment (2010), is published with Oxford University Press, UK and her forthcoming co-edited collection, Liberating Temporariness?: Migration, Work and Citizenship in an Age of Insecurity, published by McGill-Queen’s University press, will appear in Spring 2014. Professor Vosko’s current research on migration analyzes the role of sending and receiving states in the provision of labour rights and protections for temporary migrant workers. She is also Principal Investigator of “Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Protections for People in Precarious Jobs,” a SSHRC Partnership Grant concerned with employment standards enforcement and the Gender and Work-Comparative Perspectives Database (GWD-CPD), funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, which includes a research and teaching module on migration.

Daphne Winland

Daphne WInlandDaphne Winland is Associate Professor of Anthropology. Her research reflects broadly focused interests in (trans)nationalism, diaspora, memory and the cultural politics of representation. Her research investigates contemporary Croatian struggles, both in diaspora and the new homeland, to reinvent themselves in the changing political, social and cultural landscape of post-communist Eastern Europe.  Her current research focuses on recent Croatian government efforts to harness the diaspora, reflecting pressures to ‘liberalize’ economic development and citizenship regimes.

She is also engaged in research with homeless newcomer youth in Toronto. She has published on Mennonite ethno-religious identity and Laotian Hmong refugee conversion and adaptation (from her dissertation research), transnational politics, Bosnian Croats in post-war Bosnia and diaspora and homeland Croat relations. Results of her Croatian research during the war in the Former Yugoslavia are presented in ‘We are now a Nation’: Croats Between ‘Home’ and ‘Homeland’ (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, reprinted 2013).

Julie Young

Julie YoungJulie Young is a Research Associate at the Centre for Refugee Studies at York University and an instructor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at Ryerson University. She completed her doctorate in Geography at York in 2012.  She has worked as a researcher in academic, public sector, and non-profit settings. Her dissertation focused on collaborative advocacy across the Canada-US border in response to the Central American refugee ‘crisis’ of the late-1980s. Her ongoing research program considers borders in relation to movements of people, raising questions of citizenship, agency, and politics.