Andrew Crane is the George R. Gardiner Professor of Business Ethics and Director of the Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business at the Schulich School of Business. He is the co-author or editor of eleven books, including an award-winning textbook, Business Ethics, and the Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility. His latest book, published in 2013, is Social Partnerships and Responsible Business: A Research Handbook. Andrew has published widely on business ethics and corporate social responsibility in the management literature. His main research interests in the area of migration are related to the phenomenon of modern slavery, specifically on understanding the business of modern slavery. His research explores the social and economic conditions that give rise to slavery practices in contemporary business, and the mechanisms by which firms manage to successfully deploy and profit from slavery. In 2013 he was part of an inter-disciplinary team that published a unique report, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, on the business models of forced labour. His most recent publications include Forced Labour’s Business Models and Supply Chains and Modern Slavery as a Management Practice: Exploring the Conditions and Capabilities for Human Exploitation.