Luann Good Gingrich
Luann Good Gingrich is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work and Coordinator of the Migration Matters initiative at York University. Her research focuses on social exclusion/inclusion at the nexus of transnational migration, labour markets, social policy, and human services. She studies the dynamics of social exclusion for groups made differently marginal (including immigrants and refugees, low-value workers in Canada’s temporary visa programs, women migrating alone in Central America, and ethno-culturally distinct populations) toward informed policies and practices of social inclusion. Integrating theory development and empirical research, her work pays special attention to the function of extraordinarily uneven global systems in the ordinary and everyday realities of making a life “on the move”.
Good Gingrich is a member of Transnational Social Support, an international research network, and is on the editorial board for the international journals Transnational Social Review: A Social Work Journal and the International Journal of Migration and Border Studies.