Leah Vosko

Leah Vosko


Leah F. Vosko is Professor of Political Science and Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in the Political Economy of Gender & Work at York University where she teaches courses on public policy, women and politics, and labour and employment and conducts research on labour market insecurity in Canada in international context. She is the author and editor of numerous scholarly books, volumes and articles.

Her latest book, Managing the Margins: Gender, Citizenship and the International Regulation of Precarious Employment (2010), is published with Oxford University Press, UK and her forthcoming co-edited collection, Liberating Temporariness?: Migration, Work and Citizenship in an Age of Insecurity, published by McGill-Queen’s University press, will appear in Spring 2014. Professor Vosko’s current research on migration analyzes the role of sending and receiving states in the provision of labour rights and protections for temporary migrant workers. She is also Principal Investigator of “Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Protections for People in Precarious Jobs,” a SSHRC Partnership Grant concerned with employment standards enforcement and the Gender and Work-Comparative Perspectives Database (GWD-CPD), funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, which includes a research and teaching module on migration.
