David Murray

David Murray

DavidMurray-corDrawing on theoretical interests in culture, nationalism, colonialism, representation, performance and sexuality, Professor Murray has conducted fieldwork in the Caribbean, New Zealand and Canada that examines the processes and politics of identity making projects and their relations to local, national and transnational political and economic forces. He is the author of numerous articles, a book investigating the production of cultural identity in relation to gender, sexuality and race in Martinique (“Opacity: Gender, Sexuality, Race and the Problem of Identity in Martinique”, Peter Lang 2002), an edited volume examining the production of homophobia in different socio-political contexts (“Homophobias: Lust and Loathing Across Time and Space”, Duke University Press, 2009), and most recently, a book exploring social attitudes towards homosexuality and the lives of queer men in Barbados (“Flaming Souls: Homosexuality, Homophobia and Social Change in Barbados”, University of Toronto Press, 2012). A new project examines the experiences of ‘queer refugees’ with the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board and Canadian queer urban communities.
