Emily Chan

Emily Chan

(20141125 - EmilyChan.mp4)[]Emily Chan, Hons. B.A., LL.B. – Staff Lawyer | Community Development

Emily joined Justice for Children and Youth in 2003 as the Community Development Lawyer; and was formerly the Street Youth Legal Services Lawyer. In addition to casework, she participates in a variety of community initiatives, facilitates legal education workshops in schools and other settings for youth and front-line staff who work with youth; and served as a board member of the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children. Emily graduated from Queen’s Law School, articled at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice as the dedicated Divisional Court law clerk, and was called to the Bar in Ontario in 2002. Prior to her work with JFCY, she worked at a small litigation law firm primarily practising in the areas of mental health law and civil litigation.

Emily was also counsel for both JFCY and the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children at the SCC, as intervenors on Khadr 2010.