Kamala Kempadoo is Professor in the Department of Social Science, affiliated with Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Development Studies. She is a former director of the Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought. She considers herself a transnational feminist, having lived and worked in Britain, the Netherlands, the USA, several countries in the Dutch- and English-speaking Caribbean, and, since 2002, in Canada. Kamala teaches courses in Caribbean studies, transnational feminisms, sex work studies and Black Studies. Her publications include Global Sex Workers (1998); Sun, Sex and Gold: Tourism and Sex Work in the Caribbean (1999); Sexing the Caribbean (2004), Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered (2005/12) and an issue of the Caribbean Review of Gender Studies on feminist methodologies. She is currently coordinating an exchange between York University and the universities of Guyana and Suriname around gender studies and research.